here's what you've gotta do not to get fired:
for starters, you've got to be so contented:
Your employee has done you a favor to hire you and certainly you're
paid so high, and that's why never argue with him/her. oh, btw, always
be grateful for his kindness.
second, say nice things about your boss, working conscientiously
hasn't done anybody any good anywhere. so stop trying to be good at
your job (you're boss isn't there to see it anyways ) and open up a
dictionary and learn some nice words. a thesaurus can
definitely help. to perform the ritual of using the words, you are
required to have a flexible body.
third, you've got to stop dreaming about the future and stick to what you're doing.
because if you do, you might hurt your boss's feeling and you don't
wanna do that! as a loyal employee, you gotta sacrifice your future and
needs for your boss and that's all, I don't hear! don't think about it
forth, don't ever ever ever be ambitious coz ambition will put
your beloved job in jeopardy. but if, by mistake you, and
unintentionally consider these points:
let's say you teach something and you develop your own method of
teaching it, avoid any similarities with other methods, your present
employee's, in particular. either change the grammar or the language.
last but not least, whatever you wanna do like working with
other companies or institutions, get Permission from your boss. don't
do anything without their permission.
if you do all these things, I guarantee you will have your job forever.
I didn't obey these rules and I got punished!
I'm a bad boy and I must have done all those things mentioned above, I wish I knew them earlier and now that you do, obey them
سلام دوست من
نمی دونم شاید همه این راههایی که گفتید میشه استفاده بشه
ولی من همیشه به این معتقدم که باید در جایی کار کرد که هم دل باشه و همه وجدان
نه خورد کردن کسی وجود داشته باشه و نه اجبار
در چنین موقعی با جون و دل کار میکنم و در غیر این صورت با افتخار اخراج میخوام بشم
وبلاگ متفاوتی دارید
امیدوارم همیشه موفق باشید
خوشحالم با .وبلاگتون آشنا شدم
موفق باشید و شاد. یا حق
don't worry sir! i'm sure that the best things are waiting for you.the one who losses the game is your boss not you. he can't find the teachers like you and mr.M. any more
i know you but i'm not sure if you know me or not.we were classmate some years ago and my sister was in your class couple of months age. now she is in india.
Oh ms. Moshtagh

I never thought you'd read my blog
well unfortunately I don't remember much about the past
it's like very vague to me
I'm poor when it comes to remembering my ex classmates
I hope you can forgive me for it
Dear Mr. Ataee,
I should do apologize because I didn’t represent myself from the first. Thanks your favor. I wish you luck.
با اجازه، لینکتون کردم.
موفق باشید