Hey guys
listen, there are many ways to get on people's nerves and one way I've recently found in me is this:
Language is so sophisticated and a sentence is not only conveying a few words with some meaning but beyond those words, there are interpretations which form the whole thing called a language.
take this sentence for instance:
"you got a pen?"
the words convey whether the addressee possesses a pen, but in a context it can mean, "may I use it for a sec?" which obviously doesn't need to be mentioned coz one would understand without that having to be said.
knowing that as a fact, nobody would bother clearing the message and this is where I take advantage.
as a teacher, I've been trying to figure out ways to facilitate learning and paying extra attention to sentence structure and how words and sentences communicate
knowing about this fact
and this tiny sense of humor I've inherited are mixed at times and
produce great situations that I thought can be good to be shared...
just an hour ago, I was hanging out with a friend at home when he asked me to google an Iranian song and after teasing him for a min, I agreed to download it
he left home and texted me to let me know that I hadn't copied the song on his cell
so I was like 'dude, you never asked me to copy it, all you asked was "download it" and I did so'.
I really love to see the expression in people's face when you say so (try it for yourself)
here is another situation
I got this class a while back with these two students of mine and I kept forgetting to estimate their tuition
"did you calculate how much we're supposed to pay before Norooz?" A.D asked me.
I went "yes" and we all left class and left the inst. we were in his cousin's car and he asked me again "Mr. Ataei, you didn't tell me how much we're supposed to pay"
here I went "you didn't ask me that, you just asked me if I'd calculated and I said YES"
I liked the expression on his face as well as the others laughter
there are several more, I just can't recall all at this time...
let me give you a piece of
advice, just don't overdo it, some can't take it and go mad fast and
occasionally they'll call you ******, or ****** or maybe ******.