Hey everyone!
what's up?
we just moved houses last night, I hate this part of life!
I hate moving coz you've got to restart almost everything you'd been trying to get used to for the last couple of months!
worst of all, the internet and the process you've got to go through all over again
but I'm kinda happy, though!
I loathed our neighborhood!
and, oh, while I was emptying the aquas, I felt sick and this was the worst part, having no energy and having to move all the stuff but luckily there were lots of guys to help out with moving so I didn't have to work a lot
I still feel bad!
Hello Mr.Ataei
hope you are in good health
I always followed this weblog and read your whispers just for having fun and I never left any comment here, but this time I decided to comment to thank you for posting your whispers, since I recently have found out your whispers as a good source of improving my English. Now I don't read them only for fun, in fact now I pay attention to all sentences carefully, their structures and all new words and with the help of it I can speak much better.
so , although I am so far away from Iran, I still use your knowledge and you are still my Teacher .
Take care.
best regards
Elham Sharifi
hey ms. Sharifi
good to see you here and good to hear you're far away trying to catch a goal of life time
it's always a pleasure to share and what's more pleasant to share than knowledge
I heard somebody has said, "I always pass on good advice, it's the only thing to do with it, it's never no use to oneself"
now I've got to change it very slightly
"I always pass on good knowledge, although little, it's the only thing to do with it, it's never no use to oneself"
take good care of yourself
hi teacher
am i late ?
i love this part of life
thats great
why you felt sick?????????
its a good hoby for u
u can change your personality for your new neighbor.
come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
try it .
its exiting
but it has a condition.( is it corect
u must move every year
i m not kidding . try it and injoy that
oh . i am crazy . i myself now
have a good day and
thank you about your good weblog
i dont say sorry about my bad english
im very good at english
No, not really, it's not good
I hate change!
waiting for the internet to get connected again
all that are so frustrating
and your English is improving