Hey, what's up everyone?
on the way back home this evening, I was talking to my friends and the story of the most popular TV show in Afghanistan came up, Afghan star, which is actually a talent show and very everyday people would go there and during almost a year of very intensive competition judges and people, both together, choose the Aghan Star...
during the program, the whole country is influenced by the star-to-bes and lots of young boys and girls look forward to becoming a star and totally change their future since music is a important matter in my country.
so, after talking about the memories of the season last year, I really felt like listening to all those songs again and remember all those good memories of my favorite contestants, Navid Saberpour and Elahe Soroor.
Navid Saberpour has, by far, been the best Afghan Star ever in almost everybody's opinion for his perfect performances (although he was unfairly came in third!)
the system of the show is to drop one contestant every weekend by the Votes of the people which are sent by SMS and it was so obvious that there was some plans to make somebody else the Star.
I never forget that evening when everybody was watching it, and I was standing, actually leaning against the wall, and it was the semi final stage and everybody was waiting to see who would be the next contestant to drop.
I can say it for sure that nobody believed it when the host announced the name of NAVID SABERPOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to leave the show
I clearly remember the 5-6 minutes of silence in the living room, I found everybody just staring at the TV saying absolutely nothing and then everybody just left the living room
I heard same situation, the silence, was going on in almost every house watching this episode... it was just that nobody could believe what they were witnessing, the best contestant of all periods of Afghan star just came in third!!!
and I'd never forget what Mr. Rameshgar, the main judge, said about Navid Saberpor...
"Navid saberpour came in third, but for me, he is the Afghan Star".
Now, I'm listening to the songs by Navid Saberpor and enjoy remembering all the memories last year and writing this entry...
be good